Mobile Mammography Cancer Scanning Vehicles

Interior lighting of all parts is made with LED-type fluorescents. There are enough 220 Volt and 12 Volt electrical outlet sockets in each room. The entire electrical system can be controlled from the panel in the technical room, and all electrical installations are made with color-coded wiring.

Mobile Mammography Cancer Scanning Vehicles

Mammography Cancer Scanning Vehicles, we think cancer is one of the biggest health problems of our time. In this regard, we believe that early diagnosis of cancer is very important. That’s why we, as AmbulanceMed, designed the Mobile Mammography Vehicle.

Mobile Mammography Vehicle is mostly preferred by countries with high rural and large surface area, but it is preferred in the Turkic Republics and especially in the rural areas of the Middle East. Our Mobile Mammography Truck is approximately 13 meters long, 2.45 m wide and 2.70 m high.

Our Mobile Mammography Truck consists of 3 partitions and 1 technical room. Technical Room: In this part of our Mobile Mammography Truck, the control of the entire electrical system is provided, and there is extra space for additional systems such as generators.

Part 1 – Mammography Cancer Scanning Vehicle Mammography Partition

In this part of our Mobile Mammography Truck; There is a mammography device, computers, and systems for the use of the device, as well as a split air conditioner. Users can also determine the brand and model of the devices to be used in this part.

In addition, the walls of the mammography area are covered under international standards. In areas where such scanning devices are located, it is mandatory to cover the walls with lead to prevent radiation emissions.

Part 2 – Patient Reception and Imaging Partition

Mobile Mammography Truck has 2 tables and chairs in this part, a computer system used for recording and scanning purposes. There are also 2 scanning screens connected to this system and 2 screens for computer systems.

For integrated operation, all computer systems in the Mobile Mammography Truck, devices required to use internet service as well, are placed in overhead cabinets in this area. This part also has air conditioning and a dressing room for patients.

Part 3 – Gynecology Examination partition

In this part of our Mobile Mammography Truck, patients are examined and diagnosed and diagnosed. It includes 1 gynecology examination table and benches – where medical equipment can be placed – and a sink. The split air conditioner is also available in this area.

Here are some of our Mobile Mammography Truck features:

Interior lighting of all parts is made with LED-type fluorescents. There are enough 220 Volt and 12 Volt electrical outlet sockets in each room. The entire electrical system can be controlled from the panel in the technical room, and all electrical installations are made with color-coded wiring.

There are LAN outlets in each room for internet requirement and the coordination of all computer systems used inside. Along with these, the electricity requirement of the Mobile Mammography Truck is provided through the generator that is placed in.

In addition, in case of interruption of the generator, the UPS system has been set up so that the transactions with the mammography device and the computer and screens – to which the device is connected – are connected to this system will not be interrupted. In this way, the operation of the device is guaranteed in case of a power outage that may arise.


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